Here is a list of recipes that you can cook with rhubarb. Rhubarb appears for a few weeks in the springtime, normally around late April/early May, and you can cook with it to make pies, cakes, compotes, and drinks. Cooking with rhubarb is definitely one of the things I look forward to every spring.
Rhubarb is a stalky vegetable that looks like a pink cousin of celery. It’s famously tart (or sour? i never know the difference between tart or sour.)
Rhubarb appears for a few weeks in the springtime, normally around late April/early May. Same time as ramp season! (Rhubarb and ramps! My favs!)
You’ll want to buy rhubarb that is firm with crisp stalks. Again, like celery, nobody likes a flaccid rhubarb. (Sorry, I went there.) You also want to make sure the leaves (if they’re attached) appear fresh and not wilted. And don’t eat the leaves! The leaves are poison. Just chop those off and throw in the trash or compost.
You can store rhubarb in the refrigerator for up to one week. I just wrap in a paper towel and store it in a Ziploc, like celery. Or you can chop it up, and store it in the freezer. Below are some of my favorite ways to cook with rhubarb.
Rhubarb Cake + Pie Recipes
Blackberry Rhubarb Pie

Upside-down Rhubarb Cake For 2

Rhubarb-Thyme Panna Cotta Tart

Cook Compotes/Spreads with Rhubarb

Beverages you can cook up with Rhubarb
Rhubarb Simple Syrup (and Rhubarb Gin Sour Cocktails)